I realised as we got onto our overnight bus for Copacabana that not all Peruvians are friendly. Some over promise and underdeliver. I noticed a few times when I got short changed or overcharged but when you love a place so much you let it slide until it tips the bucket and touches your ‘I’m getting ripped off nerve’.
So the trip was supposed to be fully reclining seats, 3 in a row with one change-over in Puno but…we were squashed into a dirty bus with semi- reclining seats, no air circulation, waited in Puno for an hour for the next bus which was cleaner but upright seats. At the Bolivian border, we had to walk 3 km with backpacks on to the next bus as the local farmers had blocked the road in a strike and 12 hours later arrived in Copacabana.
Thank heavens for beautiful scenery, a good cheap coffee and filling breakfast on arrival. Happy heart to be here.
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